New year, new me?

I know I last wrote that I am going dark. But, I just wanted to pop by here to say that I am going to try to keep writing here at least once a month.

For 2019, I obviously don’t have any running resolutions.

I just want to be able to run without pain this year.

I’m still going to PT and when I returned from a week away — in Colombia visiting my Bryce’s family for Christmas — I told my physical therapist that my knee had actually felt better in the last week.

“Just keep doing what you did in Colombia!” he said.

Sleep in and eat huge avocados every day?

I’m participating in a trail race at the end of this month. Yes, participating, not running. Bryce and I signed up for this race a while ago, before I stopped running again. We plan to hike the race together. Since this will be in New Zealand, I guess I’ll want to take a lot of photos along the way, so maybe it won’t be too bad to walk the whole thing.

Hope you’ve been able to stick with your new resolutions and goals. Cheers to 2019!

(Blog) check – 1, 2, 3 … Is this thing on?

What can I say, I’ve been so busy not running that I haven’t had time to write!

Let me provide an update on those new year resolutions I talked about last month.

  1. Do at least 20 minutes of strength and core each day – I’ve altered this goal. Because, see below.
  2. Join the YMCA before February – YES! I am now an official member which has become so convenient because I live right in the middle between two Y locations so I feel like I have a lot of options. I’ve become a slave to the elliptical and have gone to quite a few yoga classes. Today I went to my first Pilates class and hopefully I will make my way back to the pool again. (The pool has been so crowded so I haven’t quite figured out an ideal time to workout there). So, on days when I go to the gym, I do not adhere to my “20 minutes of strength/core” rule. If I don’t go to the gym, I definitely do a workout at home for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Continue journaling – Check!
  4. Read one book a month – Shocking but (so far) I am on top of this goal. What am I reading? January’s book was Lauren Graham’s Talking as Fast as I can and currently I am reading Hidden Figures. Yes, so far I am only reading books that have been a movie or has been written by someone who stars in movies and TV … but, books are books are books, right??

So, a month-and-a-half into the year and things are going well! (Or, as well as they can be while you are sidelined from running).

Hello, 2016

Hey there, 2016.

You sure surprised us with some amazing weather and sunsets and frost/snow to kick off the year!

After a day-and-a-half of spending time with friends on Camano Island, I am tucked in the corner of a coffee shop (with Bryce sitting next to me doing work), and thinking about this brand new year.

It’s a clean slate.

I haven’t made any mistakes. I haven’t failed at anything. I haven’t hurt any feelings. I haven’t stepped on any toes. I mean, that I know of …

But, instead of thinking about what I haven’t done, let’s look at what I have planned to do.


My main goals of 2016 are running-related.

  1. Break 4 hours in a marathon.
  2. Complete my first 50K.

How will I go about achieving these goals?

  1. Train my heart out for the Anchorage Marathon. This will include focused strength and core training and foam rolling every day that I run. I will cross that finish line with at least a time of 3:59:59. Joanna will be doing the race in June with me so I’m thankful to have a training partner (and racing buddy, hopefully!) along the way.
  2. Once registration opens for the Chuckanut 50K trail race, I will register. Then, I will train and race run my first 50K ever in March. Scary! Phyllis and I will be running the Orcas Island 25K (as volunteer sweepers) at the end of this month, so I hope to have a good base going and can ease right into 50K training.

Why I am scared:

  1. I don’t want to fail at breaking 4 hours — again. I have failed twice already. (Once horribly at Portland two years ago, and a second time not-so-horribly at Eugene last year. I guess Oregon state just won’t give me a break!) I’ll be having a pretty long training cycle for Anchorage (I’ll explain why in another post,) so it would be devastating to put so much time and effort and to not reach my ultimate goal.
  2. I’ve never done a 50K before. It will be the longest distance I have run on trail or road! The unknown is pretty scary. But, I’m still more scared about sub-4’ing than I am completing a 50K!!

Don’t you have any non-running related goals?

Yes, I do. Thanks for asking. Here are a few that I will share with you:

  1. Learn Ruby on Rails (type of coding). I work on the web team in my marketing department and while I do not need to know coding for my job, my boss felt it would be good for the two of us to have some background knowledge on it. And, I agree! Plus, it’s fun to learn new things and to have another skill up your sleeve, right?
  2. Get serious about my finances. I keep putting this one off. And, by no means am I neglectful with my money. But, after having four other jobs before my current one that have had 401K or 4013b options, I have little pockets of money everywhere and need to sort out what is what and combine some things or not. Basically, get organized with my finances!
  3. Read one book a month. I love reading but most people probably think that I hate it. (Rare for a writer, I know). But, the thing is, I am always so busy running or writing, that reading gets bumped down to the bottom of my list. I end up re-reading the same chapter of a book three times because I forget what is happening each time I pick the book up after a 2-3 week hiatus. This gets exhausting. So then, I move onto a new book, or rather, a new first chapter of another book. I honestly think that last year I read 1 to 2 books in their entirety … I plan to change that this year.


Of course, I have a few other goals/resolutions but I don’t want to bore you with how I am going to be the ultimate version of myself this year.

What are your goals running or otherwise? What are you looking forward to this year? What challenges will you face? Whom or what will you pull strength from?

Take some time to think and reflect on some of this. I’m sure most of you already have. And, let’s all rock 2016 together.

I’m ready.

Donating blood: Fulfilling a resolution two years later

I’m not sure if Sarah asked, “Do you want to go donate blood with me?” or if it was more of a statement like, “You should donate blood with me!”

Either way, I was somehow convinced to donate blood Friday.

If you have read this blog long enough, you will recall that I made it my New Year’s Resolution two years ago to donate blood. And, I failed.

Well, folks, I can now officially say that I achieved that resolution. (With the thanks to Sarah and Ragan).

The three of us took the elevator down six floors to the room that the Puget Sound Blood Center was set up in at our work. I told the two of them that I was nervous. They smiled and said something along the lines of everything would be great.

We checked in, showed our IDs. As I filled out the electronic form asking questions like whether or not I had traveled outside the U.S. or used needles or whatnot, a part of me thought I could just lie so that I wouldn’t be eligible to donate.

Of course, I didn’t do that.

There was the small inclining of “hope” that my iron level would be too low to donate, just as it was last time.

The phlebotomist did the finger prick to get a sample of my blood to do the iron test. I passed. I was at 44, which she said was “very good” for a female my size. (Guess the iron supplements are doing their job!)

Ragan ironically couldn’t donate because her iron level wasn’t high enough. She had never been rejected for low iron and was surprised. So, instead of donating, she got to be my cheerleader.

Sarah was across the room from me on a cot already getting her blood drawn/taken. As the phlebotomist gathered her supplies and prepared to stick me, she asked me how I was doing.

“I’m really nervous,” I said.

She told me to just breathe. As some Elton John song played from the radio in the corner, I started to feel sweaty. She stuck me and the prick wasn’t as bad as I expected. It felt just like a prick from a “normal doctor visit blood draw.”

She again asked me how I was doing.

“Good. I just don’t want to see ANY of my own blood,” I said.

She chuckled and covered my arm with a sheet. Once it was covered, I turned my head to look over at Sarah. I was doing it!

I’m not sure how long it took for them to gather all the blood they needed but it seemed like “a while.” Ragan sat next to me but now I honestly don’t remember what we talked about.

I was worried that I would feel weak or light-headed after the draw since it was my first time AND I hadn’t had a particularly big lunch. OK, OK, all I ate was a granola bar and a pear … what, I wasn’t planning on donating that day!

I stood up and felt fine. Sarah, Ragan and I sat at the table with all the snacks and drinks and consumed some juice and cookies. I of course got my “first time donor” sticker and Ragan added a zero to Sarah’s sticker to turn it into a “10th time donor” one.

About 30 minutes later, it was back to work and I went down to our lab to process blood from a study visit earlier in the afternoon. I have no problem looking at other people’s blood. I don’t get queasy drawing other people’s blood. But for some reason when the needle is pointing at me, I freak out.

But, I did it, with no major freak outs. And, that blood of mine will save three adults (or six babies!)

It wasn’t a bad experience. I definitely am glad I got a phlebotomist who knew what she was doing — I wasn’t left with a bruise or anything!

However, I would advise others to eat a proper meal before donating blood.

Later that evening, I nearly fainted while walking on the streets of downtown Seattle. Bryce and I ate dinner at South Lake Union and afterwards I suddenly got the worst pain I had ever experienced in my stomach. It felt like a cramp that was going to explode.

“If this is the end, at least I ended by doing something good for others,” I dramatically thought to myself.

We got on the trolley to take it into Westlake. While riding, I started to “not feel well.” I was getting warm and began perspiring. At a stop, prior to the one we intended to get off at, I told Bryce that we needed to get off immediately.

As soon as I stepped onto the sidewalk, I felt weak. My vision was getting dark and blotchy. I grabbed onto Bryce and managed to make my way to a nearby outdoor chair and table. (Gotta love Seattle and its appropriately placed public furniture). I sat and put my head on the table and closed my eyes. Bryce went — and I assume dramatically ran — to a nearby drugstore to get me a Vitamin water.

By the time he came back, I could see normally again. My body felt like it was at its normal temperature as well. I took some sips of the water but really didn’t feel like drinking a lot since the cramp in my stomach was making me feel like I really had to pee (although I really did not).

We slowly made our way to Safeco Field. I made a big stink beforehand for us to not be late to the game and here I was causing our tardiness. Whoops.

By the time the game was over around 10 p.m., I was spent. I was done.

But, you know what, I FINALLY did something I have been oh-so-scared to do so I am pretty darn proud of that. And, it is something that can actually save lives.

Will I do it again?

I won’t say never but I’m also not going to be knocking at the blood bank’s door in eight weeks either.

Year End’s resolutions

We’re all encouraged (or pressured by others) to make New Year’s resolutions.

Every New Year’s Eve we think of something that will better ourselves … The classic, “I will go on a diet” or “I’m going to go to the gym” to more thoughtful ones like starting to volunteer at an organization you support.

I don’t remember what I was thinking about at the end of last year.

It probably had something to do with focusing on my running. At the time, I was on a “running streak” where I ran at least 20 minutes a day for as many days in a row as I could. I accomplished 39 days until sickness had me down (literally). And by sickness, I mean a common cold, nothing serious.

The nice thing about resolutions is that they can be as big or small as you want them to be. No one even has to know about them if you don’t want them to.

But, instead of focusing on New Year’s resolutions, why not Year End’s resolutions, too?

In what way do you want to finish off the year? How do you want to feel when the clock strikes midnight?

I made a decision in November to take the stairs every day at work rather than the elevator. This may seem like a small feat for some but my office is on the 8th floor and eight flights of stairs at 7 in the morning isn’t fun. By the time I get to the top, I am perspiring because I get too lazy to take off my down-jacket because I don’t want to carry it along with my lunch and work-out clothes bag. (OK, OK, I’ll stop complaining).

Maybe when January rolls around I’ll be like, “Pshhh, eight flights of stairs! Bahh. That’s nothing!” And speed-walk up them faster than the two minutes it takes me to drag my feet up it now.

Maybe my Year End’s resolution isn’t something big that is “making me a better person,” but it’s making me less lazy.

Every morning when I walk through the doors of the building and see people walking into an elevator, I want to join them. But, then I remember that I don’t like elevator small talk. And, I get impatient when I have to stop at every floor on my way up to the 8th. Plus, I have that resolution.

Can choosing to take the stairs actually be a resolution? I mean, maybe it’s more of a goal.

But, the whole point is that the 2013 is quickly coming to a close. Do you want to be getting into that work elevator that will probably break down (again) or do you want to be using your own two feet by taking the stairs — and coincidentally run into former colleagues who you actually enjoy talking to?

It’s up to you. Enjoy 2013 while it’s still here.