Disneyland in October

If you’re a frequent reader of this blog, you may recall my 24 hours at Disneyland stint in 2012.

Then there was last year when I went to Disneyland to experience all the Christmas-y things it had to offer.

This year I went during the park’s Halloween Time!

Do I ever get tired of Disneyland? No. It’s the happiest place on earth, after all.

Where else can you go where you feel like time has stopped and everything about life is good?

Maybe I’ve always loved Disneyland because I grew up watching Disney movies and memorizing the lyrics to the songs. I’ve never had any desire to go to any other theme park (nor have I been to any others). But, (in my biased opinion,) Disneyland is different.

At Disneyland, if a cast member walks by and greets you and your cousins as “princesses,” it’s not creepy. You all just smile and laugh about it. Because, at Disneyland everyone is a prince or princess. (Or, heck, you can be a villain if you really want to!)

I had a blast at Disneyland last November when all the Christmas decorations were up and even though I’m not big on Halloween, it was a pretty neat treat to see all the pumpkins and orange and yellow decorations everywhere. Added bonus: Space Mountain was transformed into a “Ghost Galaxy” which sort of scared me the first time but I think Marissa and I ended up riding it three times throughout the weekend.


Not only did I grow up watching and singing all things Disney, I grew up going to Disneyland with my family. My parents took me to Tokyo Disneyland when I was little, like maybe around age 4. There’s a video of my mom and I riding the tea cups together. Even though my mom would never go on that ride now (she says she gets too dizzy), nor does she even care for the theme park anymore, I still love the tea cups. My many other Disneyland memories are with my aunts and cousins. (And, more recently with my close friends).



Even though waiting in lines for rides can be a pain and a drain, everything is worth it at Disneyland. Staying up on my feet from 7 a.m. to 12 midnight was well worth it. I was sore when I returned from my Disney trip Monday. (Yes, I know! I just ran a marathon but my quads were sore from all the walking!) I had the best of times hanging with my cousins at the most magical and happiest place on earth.


None of the roller coasters were closed.

I was able to ride Indiana Jones four times throughout the weekend.

I survived California Screamin’ twice.

I soaked in the California sun.

And now I am trying to recover and get back to reality.

Because, sometimes Disneyland doesn’t seem real.

But, it is.

It’s the happiest place on earth.

Running into my (27th) birthday

It’s turned into a tradition to run a birthday race. Yes, a race on my actual date of birth. Really, this only works when my birthday falls on a weekend since there are hardly any weekday races.

This year’s race was the ShoreRun 5K along Lake Washington.

I coerced Joanna and Phyllis to run this with me by convincing them that it was “just a short, flat” 5K. I mean, any 5K race is short since all 5K races are, well, 5 kilometers (or 3.1 miles). Not all courses, however, are flat. I didn’t check the actual race route or elevation. After all, this was “just a 5K!” There was one hill, which in the grand scheme of things wasn’t that bad, but it still made me cringe. And, hurt a little.

photo cred: my EP events

photo cred: my EP events

I’m not sure what I thought about during the race. Not much, I guess. I was caught smiling here because this was before said hill.

Also, Joanna is faster than I am so she was way up front. Phyllis is a beast and had done a 10-mile trail race the day before so she was taking it easy this race. I trudged along with the boys. Yes, all the runners around me were men (or, like a 9-year-old boy).

All the “fast women” were ahead of me.

Oh well. So it goes.

But, that also meant the not-so-fast women were behind me.

I dug as deep as my not-even-a-day-older-than-27 body could muster — and kicked.

I kicked down Madison (Avenue? Street?) to catch the closest runner ahead of me. He definitely felt my presence because he started sprinting too. We were a mere few yards from the finish line and I didn’t end up beating him (boo!) but we did both pass another runner (yay!)

photo cred: my EP events

photo cred: my EP events

You know you’re a real runner when you’re not ashamed to post your very photogenic race photos!

Since doing marathons, I always forget how “painful” 5Ks are. You’re, like, sprinting the entire race! (Or, at least I feel like I am even if I don’t look like it).


Phyllis, Joanna and I stocked up on snacks and kids’ juice boxes after the race. (OK, the kids’ juices were just me …)


And, of course forced Bryce to take a photo of us and a real English phone booth! Because, why not? It was my birthday after all!

My 27-year-old self secured a top 3 place finish in my age group (20-29). I won a baseball for that! (Joanna, did too! She was #1 in our age group!)

Final time was 23:17, which is definitely not a PR but it’s faster than my high school-self so I’ll take it.

This girl is not ready to slow down.

It’s my birthday and I’ll run race if I want to!

Birthdays can be hard

Birthdays were great as a kid. You got to have a party where you were the center of attention. There were cake and presents and all of your friends were there to celebrate with you.

And, as you got older there were milestones.

My golden birthday at age 8 because I was born on the 8th. Ten because you’re finally in the double digits. Thirteen because you’re finally a teenager. Sixteen because you can get your license (to drive). Eighteen because you can vote and are considered a legal adult in the eyes of America. Twenty-one because you get to have 21-runs.

But then as you get even older, birthdays become less exciting. There are no more milestones, just another year to add to your age to remind you that you are old(er). I mean, there is that whole being able to rent a car at age 25 for a “decent price” but that’s not as cool as voting or drinking alcohol, right?

This doesn’t bother some people, the whole getting older thing. Those people continue to throw parties and enjoy “their day.”

I haven’t really looked forward to getting older since 18. Every year after that has been one more year. One more year “away” from Natalie.

Sometimes when I think about it, during the weeks and days that lead up to my birthday, it makes me very sad and a little mad.

I’m getting older but she remains 18 … at least in my mind, anyway.

The more time that passes, the more disconnected I feel from her.

And I know it shouldn’t. Because, nothing has changed. Or, everything has …

All I can do in this moment is listen to U2 and think of her.

And, rather than dwell in my sadness, just walk on.

Because even though birthdays can be hard.

They can also be a celebration. So, I will do my best to be happy and celebrate as I know best — by racing a 5K on Sunday.

You’re happy, I’m happy

“I just want you to be happy.”

We’ve heard it many times, usually in some chick flick that has the same story line as that other chick flick.

But, you know what? It’s a real concept. The fact that “your person/people” are happy, makes you happy.

I have a friend who has devoted so much time and energy to becoming a doctor. The crazy thing is that she’s not (currently) in medical school. She’ll start this coming fall. This past summer/fall was her third time applying to med schools. The past two years led to interviews but no acceptances.

Some people would have given up after that first rejection.

Many people would have given up after the second one.

But, not her.

She knew what she wanted. She “fixed” the areas of her application that needed to be stronger. She added more experience to her resume. She never gave up.

When I got a text from her today with the news that she had officially been accepted, my eyes became watery. I was so full of happiness that she had achieved this goal that I was crying.

And I wasn’t alone because another friend — it was a group text — exclaimed that she had just shed a tear.

I’ve always known my close friends to be kind, fun(ny), smart and giving. But, they are also fighters. And, fighters deserve their happiness.

When my friends are happy, I’m happy. And I can’t stop smiling while typing this.

Congrats, friend. You’ve worked so hard to earn this and I couldn’t be more proud.