Orienteering my way around orienteering

In 2013, I did my first trail race.

Last year, I tried another kind of race.


What is orienteering, you ask? I’m still trying to figure it out but this is the gist according to Orienteering USA: Orienteering is a race in wilderness navigation using a map and compass.

You run (or walk) around from check point to check point. You find these check points (which are a flag-type box) by navigating on your map (that the race provides). And each check point has a number so you obviously work your way in numerical order until you get to the end.

There was an urban race being hosted at my college alma mater campus so I figured it couldn’t be that difficult. I mean, I know where certain buildings and landmarks are so it’s not like I would get lost. Hopefully.

It was raining on the Saturday before Christmas, which is when the race took place. Everyone around me had obviously been orienteering before. Unlike me, this wasn’t their first rodeo. They had a plastic band around their wrist so they could have their paper map in full view without it getting wet. I had mine in my pocket and every time I took it out, it became more and more like mulch because it was raining so much.

Bryce was set to do the advanced course and I was going to tackle the intermediate one. (I know, I am a beginner but since we were racing on campus, I figured I could complete the intermediate course).

As soon as I started, I looked at my map and saw the check point #1. I ran to the area that I thought it was at but as soon as I saw the orange box, I thought, “What happens if I stick my e-punch into the check point but it is the wrong check point? Will it beep at me? Will I be disqualified?” (By the way, the e-punch is a little device participants carry around and stick into each check point so that the race can electronically keep track of your time and whether or not you go to the correct check points).

Sorry for the blurry photo — my hands were freezing! — but the above is what the e-punch looks like.

Because there were more than four different orienteering races going on at once (varying from beginner to advanced to even elementary and high school student courses,) the number 1 check point for one race wouldn’t necessarily be the number 1 check point for another. This is why each physical box was assigned a box number. I didn’t realize this until I sheepishly stood by what I thought was my first check point for several minutes.

In this moment, I was kind of in a slight panic. I thought I wouldn’t be able to complete the race at all. I don’t know what I’m doing here! I’m a marathoner, not a navigator! As a small child ran by me in the pouring rain, waving her map around, I pulled myself together. If she can do it, well, I guess I can do it, too! It can’t be that hard!

I turned my map over to discover the key that told me what box number each of my check points were associated with. I felt much better and my heart rate returned to normal. One by one I checked off each check point, scrambling around my old college stomping grounds.

Once I got through the first two or three check points, I was in a rhythm. It was starting to be fun!


I never had to use my compass because I was never so disoriented that I didn’t know what direction was north. (All the directions for the check points would give a clue like, “east of a lone tree” or “north of stairway.”) And note while the map looks normal and detailed, there are no street or building names on it.

I’m proud to say that I completed my very first orienteering race that day.

It may have been cold. I may have felt like giving up for a second at the start. But, I really had no expectations going into it. I just wanted to try something new.

When I saw that I finished 5th out of 22 participants for the intermediate course — with five of those being groups! — I was pretty impressed with myself. It took me 38:08 minutes, which was about 10 minutes behind the leader. The race was a 3.2-km race, which means that if you ran to the check points in straight lines, it would be 3.2 kilometers.

I lost a lot of time at the beginning when I was figuring out the first check point, but towards the end, I went from one check point to another in the same amount of time it took the first place racer!


I definitely had fun — the above is my “I’m-done-and-it’s-pouring-rain-and-it’s-five-days-until-Christmas!”-face. But, I know that if I were to do an orienteering race in the actual wilderness, it would be harder than this urban one. I would probably have to talk Bryce into being in a group with me if I were ever to do a wilderness orienteering race so I wouldn’t get lost in a forest or something like that.

If you are a runner looking to try something different or are in the off-season from training for a race, I’d recommend giving orienteering a try. Or, even if you’re not a runner but enjoy the outdoors, this could be a fun activity for you!

I can’t say I’ll be doing many more of these any time soon since I’m beginning Eugene Marathon training, but if I do, I’ll be sure to let you know.

Happy orienteering / running / not-getting-lost this year!

The Redemption Race

Yes, a mere 11 days after the Portland Marathon, I’ve registered for my next one. (So much for “taking a break,” huh?)

Eugene Marathon, I’m coming for ya!

The race may be seven months away but at least this time I won’t have to train during the summer months.

I’m giving myself another chance to achieve that elusive sub-4 hour time.

Whether it happens in Eugene or not, I know one thing.

This will be my redemption race.

I’m not going to dwell over what happened in Portland.

I’m only looking forward — to May.

Six days away

My (what-I-like-to-think) “re-debut” race is in six days.

Last fall I had IT band/knee injury-stuff going on and ran a very painful Chicago Marathon.

Thus followed physical therapy and very minimal running through the holidays and New Year.

In February I ran a half but this one is my “real race.” That one I signed up for at the last minute (like a week before) and my goal was to moderately race it without any pain. I did that. This one I signed up for in the midst of my PT rehab, the one I would race when I would be well and healthy.

This weekend’s Whidbey Island Half Marathon is to actually race — to not hold back.

I’m nervous because what if my IT band does act up?

I’ve also been hearing from multiple people that this course is hilly. I’m just in denial and telling myself that the full is hilly and the half (hopefully) isn’t too bad.

After all, my goal is to PR. (Isn’t that the goal every “real” race?)

I’ve been training like I want to PR. This has actually been my first half marathon (out of 14) where I followed a training plan.

Also, for the past month I’ve been that one obnoxious friend “who can’t drink” because I’m in training mode. (At least my friends have been grateful to have a DD).

Yesterday I rolled my ankle while playing ultimate. The awful thing about it is that I wasn’t even doing anything cool or difficult. I just tripped over my own feet and fell the wrong way on my left ankle.

It still feels funny today. I’m kind of bummed out about that because isn’t one supposed to be 100 percent going into race week?

I’m wearing my running shoes to work today. If I’m going to have a wonky ankle, it’s going to be well-supported and in comfortable shoes.

Because, I’m six days away.

Ready or not, here I go!

Tomorrow’s race day.

I’ve been drinking water.

I keep refreshing the weather page online to see if conditions have changed.

All my running gear is ready to go.

I stretched and did some core.

For some reason though, I do not feel ready.

Maybe when the alarm goes off at 5 a.m., it’ll sink in.

Maybe it’s because I registered a week ago.

We’ll see what happens. I’m treating tomorrow more as a training run.

IT band, behave yourself!

Because, ready or not, here I go.

Let the racing begin!

2014 racing was scheduled to begin in April for me.

But, as of tonight, my first race will be in one week!

Next Sunday I’ll take a stab at the Birch Bay Half Marathon in Blaine, Wash.

Bryce was already registered to do it and rather than go up and spectate and wish I was running, I decided to just go ahead and do it too.

Let’s hope the IT band behaves.

And, that my knees have recovered from yesterday’s beating.

(Oh yes, I will have to update you on the embarrassing mishap. I’ll get to that tomorrow, I promise. Let’s just say that walking up and down stairs is a bit painful for the time being).

I’m not going in this half marathon with strong hopes of PR’ing. I mainly want to see where my baseline is at. I want to see if my body is fully ready for racing again.

So when April comes, I can really attack that Whidbey half marathon.

Let 2014 racing begin!

(I think) I’m ready!