Reaching a goal: 30 during 30

Last summer when I was feeling sorry for myself for not being able to run, I created a goal for myself.

I will hike 30 times during my 30th year.


Now, I started this goal in mid-July and my birthday was at the beginning of June. Even with those few “lost weeks,” I was excited to achieve this goal for my year. I wasn’t going to continue to let my running injury keep me down!

While the summer was busy, I went out often to the mountains and did several hikes — with friends, with Bryce and my family.

Bryce and I tried to squeeze in as many hikes as we could before Christmas-time and were even able to go on some nice snowy ones (that weren’t blizzarding!)

Then the new year rolled in and I sort of “forgot” about this goal as wedding planning started consuming my life. Now it’s mid-April and I’m freaking out a little bit because my count is at 21 and my birthday is less than two months away!

I think there are exactly nine weekends in between now and June 8 (my birthday), but I know I’m not available every weekend to go on a hike — soo many wedding “obligations” and just other things to do!

So, I’ve decided that trail runs are OK to add to my count as long as they are outside the city of Seattle. Also, I’m counting those cross-country and snowshoeing jaunts from the other month as well. Those were up in the mountains and involved walking (sort of), so they count, OK??


I’m hitting my goal no matter what!

Not birthday racing

This year’s birthday has been a bit “less eventful” than recent ones. The main reason is because I didn’t birthday race this time around.

Last year, I did a relay with three friends. The year before that I did a 5K with Phyllis and Joanna. And the year before that I did a trail race. I guess it’s easier when your birthday falls on or near a weekend. With a Wednesday birthday, well, not much can be done with that!

This year I also didn’t want to do a race the weekend before or after my birthday because I wanted to be fresh for my upcoming marathon on June 18. At this point, with my IT band issue, I am just hoping and praying I can get through the marathon in one piece.

So, what’s my one birthday wish this year? I think it’s bad form to share what you wish for, but I’m pretty certain you can guess.

Happy birthday to me! (And, Kanye West! – He’s always trying to steal my thunder …)