It’s nice to be hated

Last season I discovered  my fan-ship for the Seattle Sounders.

So, obviously I was going to be at the Sounders vs. Timbers match Sunday.

Seated in section 303, we were right next to our dear much hated Portland rivals. (Isn’t it funny how in any other situation, Seattlelites are in love and adore Portlanders … except for in soccer?)

I didn’t let this disrupt my focus, my cheering for my team. Of course I stood the entire game. (With the exception of maybe five minutes during the half).

And when I went to the bathroom during the half, it was mostly filled by Portland fans (refer to my above comment about sitting next to their section). There was a girl decked out in dark green Timbers gear upset and crying in the corner of the restroom. A stadium staff-person was trying to calm her down and speaking very kindly to her. I thought maybe someone tried to pick a fight with her and that was why she was crying? Boy troubles?

Then I saw the throw-up on the floor spanning about 2.5 stalls. This girl couldn’t hold her liquor and couldn’t make it to the toilet!

And, the staff person was washing her scarf and hat in the sink for her!

I had no pity. (OK, because I am a human with a soul, I was like 2 percent sorry for her, but that’s all). She is the enemy.

Of course the Sounders pulled away with the win. The final score was 1-0. You bet I had a few strokes during the nerve-wrecking game. My heart was still pounding as we exited the stadium.

With a more than 65,000 crowd (an all-time record!) it took awhile to make our way out. We passed by the Timbers fans that continued to yell and shout (even though they just lost). They had to wait until all the Sounders fans exited first.

Not only were they yelling and shouting, they were yelling and shouting “FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!”

“It feels good to be hated,” Bryce said after he had locked eyes with some very angry Portland guy who screamed something unintelligible at him.

“I don’t like to be hated for doing nothing,” was my response.

It’s a really strange mentality and feeling to be hated — for really no reason.  (I guess that’s how cults are formed, right?)

Sounders v Timbers 8/25/13

Sounders v Timbers 8/25/13

But, I guess the Sounders beating the Timbers is a pretty good reason.

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